Book me and I'll elevate the excitement, energy and passion at your next event.

I’ve been inspiring and entertaining audiences full-time for 25 years.
Speaking is my passion, and my mission is to inspire, encourage and coach people their next levels of capability and possibility.
Telling stories is my hallmark trait. I love stories for their ability to really engage an audience and make the message stick. I am pleased whenever I hear clients tell me that their audience remembered my stories for years.

Some of my audience favorite stories include the time I stepped out of crowd and delivered a stranger’s baby on a sidewalk in San Francisco. The time my mother made me move a mountain of dirt to teach me about vision and creation. The time football legend, Marcus Allen, taught me to face my fears. The time Olympic Gold Medalist, Lanny Bassham, schooled me on mindset.
There’s also the time when I bombed at comedy for a year before being discovered by HBO. Of course, I also tell lots of true stories about inspirational people.
Book me as your speaker and I will knock-it-out-of-the-park for you and give your audience a talk they love and remember for a long time.
Astounding Yourself!
(Purpose, Passion, Power and Heart)
Patrick’s powerfully inspiring and insightful talk on how achieve your personal best, overcome obstacles, and reach big dreams. Patrick embraces that it’s never about money, smarts, zip code, or past performance – it’s always about Purpose, Passion, Power and Heart. Your audience will remember their unlimited ability to reach higher goals, to make big things happen, and to infuse their lives with greater fulfillment.
Powered By Heart
(Connecting, Contributing and Customer Service)
Patrick’s highly inspiring talk on the best practices of stellar customer care, increased loyalty, and creating a company culture that employees love. Patrick illustrates how top companies are moving the needle in today’s “Connection Economy” with empathy, caring, kindness, concern, trust, repair, understanding, appreciation, listening, responsiveness, passion, and yes even love. Patrick reveals how great companies aim for the customer’s heart, not just their wallet.
Life is Beautiful
(and funny, crazy and surprising)
(The perfect after - dinner talk)
Patrick at his storytelling best, wowing your audience with unforgettable personal stories about what truly matters in life; family, resiliency, humanity, giving, laughter, growth, forgiveness and love. Delivering a stranger’s baby on the sidewalk, learning about life from a mountain of dirt, sleeping by his mother as she lay dying are just a few of the stories Patrick tells to take the audience deep into the heart of life. This talk fills the room with laughter, joy and tears and is the perfect way to remind your audience about their own highest values and deepest fulfillments.