Making this new video was a deeply emotional experience for me. I made it for mothers (because of my own), (I didn’t have a father). While making it, I discovered old photos from my childhood
A little share about something I do “behind the scenes.” I speech coach people. I just got off a Skype session with one of my clients who owns the largest beard products company in the U.S. I started about 3 years ago and have had a steady flow of amazing clients (CEO’s, bestselling authors, speakers, […]
NO hugs allowed. That’s how far the punishment goes. You see, I went to give him a hug because he’d just inspired me so deeply. He’d just shared his amazing life story with me, and it blew open my heart and my soul. So of course, I didn’t just want to shake his hand and […]
The Most Important Journey is only 12 inches, but somedays, damn it’s the hardest journey in the world to make. But… It’s The Most Important Journey you’ll ever make. And you gotta make it every day! This was filmed in front of a live audience in Dallas, TX.
“Strong Families. Safe Kids.” I keynoted in November for an phenomenal, heart-centered organization Olive Crest. Olive Crest is a California company that helps abused and at risk children and families in crisis, largely by helping the children in their time of greatest need find adoptive and foster families. My heart was truly expanded by getting […]